Olga Bogdanova. L'interieur dell'usad'ba-museo nobiliare nell'opera degli scrittori russi degli anni Venti: significati artistici e culturali

О.А. Богданова

Olga BogdanovaL'interieur dell'usad'ba-museo nobiliare nell'opera degli scrittori russi degli anni Venti: significati artistici e culturali / Traduzione dal russo di Raffaella Pastore // eSamizdat 2020 (XIII), pp. 145-151. ISSN 1723-4042. (In Italian)

The author focuses on the Russian “estate text” of Russian Literature of the 1920s. The article explores the role of the artistic details associated with the representation of interiors, paintings, furniture, textiles and accessories of estate-museums located in former landowners’ estates on the territory of Soviet Russia which have survived Revolutionary storms and the Civil War in the first decade of the new government. It aims to show how the authors’ reproductions, selections and combinations of these details do not only characterize the points of view of the narrators and the other heroes from different social strata, but also combine them to convey specific meanings, which identify the different periods of Russian cultural history.